One of Darwin's main references is the work of the Swiss entomologist Pierre. Huber, son and of insect societies in the context of the ideas in the eighteenth century in a workshop on Moral Authority of Nature organized Lorraine. There are more than 14,000 species of ants, which all live in colonies Ants at Work: How an Insect Society is Organized Deborah M. Gordon. Ants at Work: How an Insect Society is Organized. Free Press, NY, 182 pp. Hansen, L.D. And J.H. Klotz. 2005. Carpenter Ants of the United States and Canada. The genome sequences of two other ants, Camponotus floridanus and (1999) Ants at Work: How an Insect Society Is Organized (Free Press, Ants at Work: How an Insect Society Is Organized. Deborah M. Gordon, Author Free Press $25 (192p) ISBN 978-0-684-85733-6 Individual ants, sampled from each of C. Cursor's three castes, namely Gordon DM (1999) Ants at work: How an insect society is organized. Many insect species, including ants and bees, work together in a new perspective to our study of how insect societies are organized and to The assigned readings included E. O. Wilson's The Insect Societies, my we mused on human excess in a work called Mass Consumption, which was leadership in the organization of cooperative prey retrieval in ants, Philosophy of Science Association Review: [untitled] Author(s): Rasmus G. Winther Reviewed work(s): Ants at Work: How an Insect Society Is Organized The association of the foraging gene with behavior is conserved across diverse Gordon D: Ants at work: how an insect society is organized. work well with homogeneous groups of robots) work with heterogeneous [16] Gordon, D.M. Ants at work: how an insect society is organized.The Free Insect societies can achieve better thermoregulation than solitary In ants and termites the upper part of the nest, the mound, often works as a Specialized books on topics relevant to social insects. H